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The Art of Writing Christian Poetry

By John Marinelli

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About the Author


The author answer’s these questions: Is poetry a craft? Or is it a calling? Why do I have it? What do I do with it? The book is a definite confidence builder and encouragement to all Christian poets as they seek to discover their gifting.

This is a “Must Read” for every new poet and a great refresher for those who are experiencing writer’s block, lack of inspiration, and a general need for renewal. It is filled with ministry and marketing tips that are sure to help any poet grow and prosper in their gifting.

This perfect bound paper back book is 124 pages of easy reading in a simplified “How To” format that can be understood on both juvenile and adult reading levels.

Allow 2-3 weeks for shippping.

A Synopsis

The author introduces and defines the term, “Christian Poetry” and explains its expression. It is a beginner’s guide, especially designed to help the novice to discover his or her gifting and to understand its place in the modern world. The author answers several important questions that are of concern to new poets:

  • Where did Christian poetry originate?
  • What makes it different from secular poetry?
  • What is the difference between anointing and inspiration?
  • How does Christian poetry differ in expression from other poetry?
  • What are the types and categories of Christian poetry?
  • How do poets get published in today’s literary world?
  • How can a Christian poet or church use poetry in ministry?
  • What is a Christian poet all about? A Profile
  • How much editing should I do before presenting my poem?
  • How do I know my poetry is any good?


The author’s objective is to teach poets how to build a better poem, as they seek to express Biblical concepts through poetry. The mechanics of the craft, as defined in secular poetry, are touched on somewhat, such as rhyme and meter; however, the author’s focal point is reveled in a 3-fold explanation that spans 20 chapters as he discusses “the relationship between God and the poet, the poetic expression of those individual encounters, and its dynamic affect on others. He presents over 20 of his own original poems as examples of different styles and types of Christian verse.

The book offers several questions and answers from Christian poets around the world on matters of concern about their gifting, as well as, excerpts from secular sources on basic poetic terms, that will help the beginner to become familiar with the jargon most commonly used by other poets.

View The Table of Contents

The Book retails for $12.95 plus $1.75 s/h. Send your Check or Money Order payable to John Marinelli PO Box 831413 Ocala, FL 34483.


since 2/28/06!
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